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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Booth Family Humor here I come!

I am finally finished with finals and now I am sitting on my couch writing a blog on my computer that I have not been on for three days. The weird thing is, I haven't had any withdrawals like I thought I would. It has been really peaceful and I haven't had a headache... well ok. I had one when I had been studying history for three hours. All in all, it was a really good quarter. The more and more I embed myself in the school and try to get to know my classmates, the more I enjoy my school experience. I guess all that talk about getting involved in your school actually has value. And now I am giving tours the week that I come back from vaca!! yess. And I get paid. I am so glad that they wanted me to help.

I am so excited to go to Alex and Kristine's. I can't wait to go to classes at BYU. I can't wait to talk to some Booth's. I miss Booth's. I miss Booth humor. You know why? Because all Booth's get each other. We all have the same humorous stories with different names inserted and we all sit for hours and talk about the crazy stupid things that we do and that people do to us. Oh man I can't wait. Maybe I'll run into some Hoyts down there... or Beccas or Jeffs. It's time for me to get out of the city for a while. Going to the cabin would even be sufficient...

oh man... i think I am on a cloud right now...

I am getting excited for the future. It is going to be REALLY scary but I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. Yaay future!!

Ok, well I am having a really hard time typing today... I think that my brain has stopped working...

love Maren :)

catch you on the hopefully warmer side of Utah!! :)


Kristine said...

I'm so confused, you live in a house full of Booth's. If anything, you're bringing the Booth humor to us here. We've been walled off from reality.. I guess that's the price one pays to attend "The Lord's University". Maybe it's for the batter, I hear the "mission field" is a scary place. ;) We're both really excited to see you all.

P.S. The weather here isn't warm, not even a little bit. Last week, it was. This week... well, let's just say it's snowed twice since the weekend.

Congrats on finishing finals and being an official tour guide. That's awesome!

Kristine said...

I hate typos... for the "better". That's what I was trying to say.

Anonymous said...

I must say 8 day's without your family....I'm going to have withdrawals....and I'm going to be subjected to nothing but video games while you're gone :( ....atleast school starts next Tuesday for me....I'll have something to keep me busy....but I'm really happy you're doing well in school and that you're so smart....you're going to make one heck of a doctor one day!

Matty ;-D