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Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to...

The dork code roomDon't I look so thoughtful? Or maybe it's boredom? Or maybe it's my-brother-is-crazy?

anyways. I did have a ton of fun today at BYU. As much as people think that it is boring, I really wasn't that bored. I was tired because I didn't get a nap but that doesn't mean I was bored. Granted, I would not choose to go into physics... I also have never taken a physics class so I can't say much. I will make Alex pay you ten bucks if any of you guys can tell me and/or him what the equation is and/or how to solve it. Pretty much all day I was like... What? although I did understand the part about derivatives. I felt so accomplished. ok well now I have to go away. As much as I am addicted to the internet, this is my vacation and I like to not be on as much. As soon as school happens however I will be right back on...

Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Love Maren :)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to hear you're having fun, despite being bored.

Sorry I didn't answer my phone tonight (Monday night) I was in the shower. Although I normally would call you back being that it's a little half past 10, and you're usually still up, your message said you'd most likely be asleep, and besides, it's like an hour later there anyways.

I'll call you after I'm out of classes tomorrow, which should be around 2 ish. Either that or I'll call you later on in the evening, depending on what happens.

Wish me luck in my classes this week! I'll let you know how they go. Continue to have fun and let me know all the fun stuff you get to do....that wasn't envious at all....wink wink

Matty ;-D

bex said...

i think matt messed up on the comment thing twice before he finally got the right words down. ;)

& i'm jealous you're in utah already!! & at BYU!! (insert negative comment about not going to BYU) ;)

i'll see you in utah soon!!!! haha
dont scare jeff too bad

Anonymous said...

wow....you should be a detective!

Maren O_o said...

That was funny...

I know I am sooo excited. When will you be in Salt Lake. I am thinking about dong lunch or something during lunch on Friday... My mom might be going up there. Or maybe I'll see you Saturday afternoon.

Love Maren :)