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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quick, Quick quick

little shout out to all my Australia fans!!!


Don't feel bad if you haven't been able to procure it, I am sitting here in my bedroom on my bed listening to everyone else watch it upstairs. Stupid homework. :(

But rest assured that I will be watching it on Friday evening (at least I think I'm invited) if you would like to come let me know :)

Ok, as much as I really want to talk to you all (and you know that I do, like really it's been one of those days) I need to get to homework.

Love Maren :)

p.s. even though I'm "doing" homework, you can call ;)


Anonymous said...

Wait they're watching it!? Austin called and said they were to busy to watch it tonight....or something like that....hmmm....Shakes fist

Maren O_o said...

mattttttttt. I'm sad... sorry i had class you little skipper.

they are too busy but they decided to squeeze it in. So what's the news that I keep hearing about?

Kristine said...

So jealous...
Here I am, in Utah, hungry, tired and Australia-less. Such a bummer, but we're buying it this weekend. Some things are just necessary purchases. :)

Maren O_o said...

Australia IS a necessary purchase. HEHE

guilty pleasures. :)

Anonymous said...

The news about th 15th? it's on my blog....it's a long one so if you don't feel like reading it I can just tell you

Maren O_o said...

I skimmed it. I am SO excited for you... You will NOT regret it. I heard that your mom is coming to our house for dinner. That's fun...

what are you doing?

Anonymous said...

yeah....she might not be able to make the dinner tho because she has work the next morning and a long drive back....but we'll see....what hmwk do you have

these conversations may be easier if we chatted on skype....my camera isn't working tho for some reason....pero we can text chat

Maren O_o said...

i'm not allowed to chat (i know call us crazy) but we could use our phones or just the mic on skype?

Anonymous said...


that's cool....well this is good i guess

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hey....thanks for calling me today....I needed that little break from all the "AHHH" going on....and plus we haven't seen much of each other since Saturday....But I am looking forward to Australia on Friday

